Bold Creative Design Studio | Portfolio Tags freelance designer nz
Design Studio Auckland. Design Agency Auckland. Branding Agency producing thoughtful work that is bold, unexpected, and enduring. Services Include Brand Strategy, Brand Design, Graphic Design, Rebranding.
Design Studio, Design Agency Auckland, Branding Agency, Auckland Branding Agency, Branding Company
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Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Darch Branding


Bold Creative acted as an external VP of Marketing for D-Architecture culminating in a complete rebrand of the company. Over the time of working together, D-Architecture has grown from almost complete obscurity to become one of the regions most well-known architecture firms.   < back to our work...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Sanders Print Design

Sanders Home Renovations

Sanders is an up scale renovation and interior painting company.   Taking inspiration from old signs of the 50s and mixing fonts, lead to the creation of a convivial and original logo. The aim was to preserve this vintage look and graphic unity throughout all variations. A pastel...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland DebeDebe Creative


DebeDebe grows communities through music. DebeDebe was initially formed in 2013 as a platform for community development through African drumming. DebeDebe hosts drum circles, offers private lessons, facilitates workshops and conducts professional music performances at popular venues.   The project involved working with DebeDebe to develop their brand strategy and...