Bold Creative Design Studio | Portfolio Tags Print Design
Design Studio Auckland. Design Agency Auckland. Branding Agency producing thoughtful work that is bold, unexpected, and enduring. Services Include Brand Strategy, Brand Design, Graphic Design, Rebranding.
Design Studio, Design Agency Auckland, Branding Agency, Auckland Branding Agency, Branding Company
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Bold Creative Agency Auckland DebeDebe Creative


DebeDebe grows communities through music. DebeDebe was initially formed in 2013 as a platform for community development through African drumming. DebeDebe hosts drum circles, offers private lessons, facilitates workshops and conducts professional music performances at popular venues.   The project involved working with DebeDebe to develop their brand strategy and...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Fairware Creative


The task was to move Fairware's image beyond that of just an online store for the most sustainable and ethical promotional products to an agency of experts that can help their clients make meaningful connections with their audience through thoughtful promotional materials.   As part of the...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Guardian Branding

The Guardian

The project involved creating a brand with a rich colour palette that infused the renderings, website, print materials, advertising, interactive online marketing and presentation centre to announce The Guardian’s completion and the beginning of this urban community. The VIP sales launch was a huge success...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Darch Branding


Bold Creative acted as an external VP of Marketing for D-Architecture culminating in a complete rebrand of the company. Over the time of working together, D-Architecture has grown from almost complete obscurity to become one of the regions most well-known architecture firms.   < back to our work...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Sanders Print Design

Sanders Home Renovations

Sanders is an up scale renovation and interior painting company.   Taking inspiration from old signs of the 50s and mixing fonts, lead to the creation of a convivial and original logo. The aim was to preserve this vintage look and graphic unity throughout all variations. A pastel...

Bold Creative Agency Auckland: Creative Branding

Kwangho Lee Exhibit

It was a privilege to work with Kwangho Lee to create the poster, invitation, and social media campaign for the exhibition "Like a forest of wire". For the occasion, an exclusive font characterized by interlaced fine lines was created. The font’s sinuous shapes are reminiscent of the long...


ASB – Givingtree

We worked closely with ASB's digital development partners to develop the brand identity for the Givingtree. Givingtree is an ASB Innovation initiative designed to help kiwi families save for the children in their lives, to give them greater opportunities for their future.   < back to our work...


Whai Awa

Sitting where Managwhai Harbour meets Mangawhai Village, Whai Awa presents sections as part of sustainable development within easy walking distance to shops, cafes and the local school. This beautiful setting is the ultimate in lifestyle living for families and retirees who are looking to escape...


Suite 88

A notable part of the the brief for Suite 88 was to elevate chocolate to the same level as jewelry—a boutique luxury chocolate company that oozes opulence. As if chocolates weren’t decadent enough, the packaging ensures that receiving and opening them is a memorable experience....


Z Energy

The branding of the convenience store for the launch of Z Energy was arguably the most important execution of the new brand.   It was necessary to create an extended visual system to bring the core brand to life, and to make it easy to create the...